Shari Landry

Shari Landry | Occupational Therapist
Office location: Ruckersville

Shari is an occupational therapist with over 7 years of experience. She previously lived in Colorado and then Vermont before moving to Charlottesville. She moved from the Rocky Mountains to the Green Mountains to the Blue Mountains! She graduated from the University of New Hampshire in 2016 and has had experience as a pediatric OT, in pre-K, 18+ transition services, a farm-based outpatient program, and a more traditional outpatient pediatric clinic. She is happy to be a part of the community now at Small Talk. She works with children and families to target and improve feeding difficulties, toileting, hygiene, dressing, behavioral challenges, executive functioning difficulties, motor planning, and more through a playful and functional approach. She has had experience in a collaborative and functional approach to feeding. She is passionate about working with parents to find routines and adaptive strategies that fit their life and working with kids to practice challenging new skills through play and project-based learning. Shari has been known to bring her joy of various crafts and hobbies into sessions with her such as playing ukulele, piano, crocheting, and cooking in order to practice important everyday skills. When she is not crafting she can be found biking or walking or singing to her plants.


Fun Facts:

Favorite color: Orange

Favorite Dessert: Apple Crisp

Pets: none for now �

Favorite Disney character: Rafiki

Favorite Hobbies: Crafting, Singing, Reading, Baking, Video Games, Bird Watching, Biking

Favorite Animal: Monkey

Random fact about me: I once was stuck in Italy because of a volcano.